The Ed’s R Us awards
And now, here we go… It’s the comic guy Vs Hank for the right not to have to wear a dress tomorrow.
Ed “The comic guy” Appleby
- The Kings Speech (Best Picture)
- Colin Firth (Best Actor)
- Geoffrey Rush (Supporting Actor)
- Natalie Portman (Actress)
- Melissa Leo (Supporting Actress)
- How to train your dragon (Animated)
- David Fincher (Director)
- 127 hours (adapted screenplay)
- The Kings Speech (original screenplay)
Hank “the Beast” Dreyfus
- True Grit (best Picture)
- James Franco (best Actor)
- Christian Bale (supporting Actor)
- Natalie Portman (Actress)
- Amy Adams (supporting Actress)
- Toy Story 3 (animated)
- The Coen Bros. (director)
- True Grit (adapted screenplay)
- The Fighter (original screenplay)