Finding love in strange places 2
Hey everyone! A big shout out from here in Raincity and a big welcome to all the new readers. I’ll try to make your stay as painless as possible…
You might notice things are getting a little heavy with Ed and Georgia, and if so, good! I’m trying to push myself in the writing department the same way I’ve been pushing myself in the drawing department. With the final result making the strip all around better than when I started it almost three years ago.
Any feedback you guys have is more than welcome! In the form of comments or e-mails. I promised that I wouldn’t seek out criticism until I stopped finding things wrong with my own strip. However, being a neurotic artist that will probably never happen…
Finally, I’ve been doing some paintings for Cloudscape as a fundraiser for their new book, 21 journeys. you can see/buy my art here. It’s a bunch of really great artists in a great compilation, and I hope to add on of my own pieces to a future compilation.