Purse Donkey 1

One of my favorite jokes of the Vancity Angels age. I still have the Purse Donkey shirt.
The Holiday Secret

This was a little happy holiday strip. In which we have Betty learning about her roommate, and the fact that Hank is Jewish. I did this because I really feel felt like I needed to add a little bit more cultural variety to the strip, and I was really curious about Jewish religion and culture. […]

There are two very important firsts in this strip: The Brawd and the Van Gil. The Brawd (Broad) was a very serious typo that was caught by my editor at the time, but he let it through. We felt it really encapsulated how Hank talked as well as his attitude towards women. He’s not the […]
Working with the Best

Here’s where my problems with Greg started. When we started this little modeling strip, I was given a few hard rules that I had to live by, otherwise my strip would not be published. And rule one was I was not allowed to make fun of any of Greg’s models. Now, aside from the fact […]

Originally, it was a puppy on the t-shirt. Greg, who runs Van city angels suggested that I change it to something else, because puppies are so overdone. One of many changes I made to the strip before I rebelled and went completely independent. Plus I just love having characters freak out! It’s really a lot […]
Goodie Goodie

Come on back with me! The year is 2006… The Human genome is mapped, Justin Timberlake was bringing sexy back, and a Ed Appleby launched Betty and the Beast. Originally running on www.vancityangels.com, Betty and Hank are introduced into the universe. This was originally the second strip I had written. The first one was in […]